Professionalism Courses
AB,SK - Professionalism, MB - Regulations
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As with every occupation, it is important to act professionally. As people applying pesticides in a world where pesticides are under the microscope, it is critical that we act professional in all aspects of pesticide application. From purchasing to transporting to application through to cleanup and disposal plus dealing with bystanders, it is important that we handle every aspect professionally. Not only is it important for us, the pesticide applicator, but also everyone that works for us.
AB-Professionalism,BC-Safety and Environment, ON-IPM
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As the world changes and communication and social media increase, the concept of a social license becomes very important. Social license is defined and examples are given. Social license applies to many aspects of society and pesticides is one that we must address. We as applicators need to communicate our IPM programs with the public so they realize that we are always using an IPM program when dealing with pests. Pesticides and pesticide application are under more and more scrutiny and we must understand what our social license is and how to improve it to ensure we have the opportunity to use pesticides in the future