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This presentation identifies animal and plant species that are endangered and threatened in Canada. It also identifies the habitats of those species in various provinces in Canada. It also discusses a number of reasons (e.g. regulatory, risk of extinction, identification on pesticide labels, etc.) why it is important for pesticide applicators to do their part in protecting endangered and threatened species. Lastly, it will identify approaches pesticide applicators can use in their application practices to protect these species.
Application Technology
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It is part of every applicator's job to complete their pesticide applicator records when applying pesticides. Join Tim as he reviews what is required, how long they must be kept and ways you may be able to simplify them. Health Canada's Buffer Zone calculator is discussed and used to show applicators other tools available that may affect their applications near open bodies of water.
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This presentation focuses on how Alberta Environment and Parks uses labels during their pesticide related investigations. I start by identifying the main incidents and then identify the parts of the label that are used during the investigation. For example, when conducting a drift incident an EPO will:
From the primary panel of the label determine the active ingredient and look for damage symptoms consistent with the type of reported damage.
From the Precautions section conduct a hazard assessment to protect themselves (also use SDS), ensure the REI has lapse, determine PPE to wear
Env. Hazard section of label
check for prohibitions (i.e. do not contaminate water
), ensure the application meets the regulatory requirements near water (i.e. S. 7 of the Pesticide (ministerial) regulation and the Code of Practice for Pesticides) several slides discuss requirements
check that label buffer zones have been followed and discuss when reg, code and label buffer zones are different which applies and why?
Check Directions for Use section to determine:
Use location is authorized on the label
Pest is included on the label
Application method is specified (aerial or ground) several slides identifying when aerial appln. can be conducted, including calibration requirements and special aerial insurance and label training requirements (e.g. Monsanto training course)
Take samples if damage consistent with symptoms
Request records from applicator and look at the records and compare them with:
the label specifications,
meteorological conditions at the time and
record requirements in the regulations.
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Pesticide monitoring programs in Alberta - surface water survey; discussion of findings; agricultural influence and urban influence. Pesticides in treated water.
Pest Management
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Pesticide resistance is increasing throughout the world. What can we do as applicators to prevent this or slow it down. The scope of resistance is discussed as well as definitions. The different types of resistance are discussed and applicators will realize they have a high level of control on some types of resistance and lower levels of control on others. Ways applicators can reduce pesticide resistance is presented.
Health and Safety
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Shelf life of pesticides is an important aspect that applicators need to be aware of. From traditional chemical pesticides to newer biological pesticides (known as biopesticides in Canada), we need to properly store all pesticides and be aware of expiry dates. Join Tim as he looks at both traditional pesticides and biopesticides and how to avoid letting pesticides get to a point where they may not work properly. This webinar looks at labels of both traditional pesticides and biopesticides for ways to properly store and use in a timely fashion. We will look at techniques of what to do if you think the pesticide is too old and may not work.
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Pesticide storage is an important aspect of being a pesticide applicator. It is important to store your pesticides correctly. This web cast reviews some of the basic concepts to follow when storing pesticides. Many of the rules and regulations of pesticide storage are easy to compile with such as signage and organization. Take this one hour web cast to update your knowledge on pesticide storage so that you store your pesticides properly and safely.
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As the world changes and communication and social media increase, the concept of a social license becomes very important. Social license is defined and examples are given. Social license applies to many aspects of society and pesticides is one that we must address. We as applicators need to communicate our IPM programs with the public so they realize that we are always using an IPM program when dealing with pests. Pesticides and pesticide application are under more and more scrutiny and we must understand what our social license is and how to improve it to ensure we have the opportunity to use pesticides in the future