Health and Safety
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As information moves more easily in todays society with internet, newspapers, television, etc. many people believe cancer rates in humans are on the rise regardless of the type or cancer. This web cast seminar looks at the safety of pesticides and their impact on the human health. The basics of pesticides will be examined and compared to other substances we consume or use everyday. Also discussed are ways an applicator can reduce exposure to pesticides.
Health and Safety
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Join Vivianne Servant as she reviews the following documents and presents the findings in this informative web cast.
- Alberta Biomonitoring Program (2005): Surveys and blood samples taken to establish the magnitude of women's exposure to environmental contaminants during pregnancy in all regions of Alberta
- Canadian Health Measures Survey (2007-2009): study to provide benchmark data (surveys, blood and urine tests) of Canadians across Canada on indicators of environmental exposures
- Agricultural Health Study (1993-2013): Tracking health and pesticide exposure of 89,000 farmers and commercial applicators and their spouses in the U.S.
Health and Safety
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It is important to understand the hazards associated with handling pesticides. Many things that are common sense to an experienced applicator are overlooked when training new applicators. This seminar will look at developing a hazard assessment and rating the risks associated with handling pesticides.
Health and Safety
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As Pesticide Applicators, we are continually exposed to pesticides. Many of our pesticides may either an immediate serious effect if we contact it or may have a long term effect as a chronic exposure. With today's personal protective equipment, it is easy to limit your exposure to pesticides during mixing and loading, application and clean-up. Choosing the correct and appropriate equipment is important. This seminar looks at the equipment available, materials and features of safety equipment. Laundering of protective equipment is also discussed.
Health and Safety
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Many pesticide applicators spend longs days and many days in a row combatting pests. With our short growing season in many parts of Canada it forces applicators to work hard, long and fast. Join Tim as he discusses the facts, causes, consequences, effects and signs of fatigue. Also will be discussed how to get a better sleep and what employers and employees can do to reduce fatigue and therefore reduce mistakes and accidents
Health and Safety
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The Agricultural Health Study (AHS) is a prospective study of cancer and other health outcomes in a cohort of licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses from Iowa and North Carolina. The AHS began in 1993 with the goal of answering important questions about how agricultural, lifestyle and genetic factors affect the health of farmers and commercial applicators. The study is a collaborative effort involving investigators from National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Health and Safety
The Agricultural Health Study (AHS) - Cancer Risks is a prospective study of cancer in a cohort of 89,000 licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses from Iowa and North Carolina. The AHS began in 1993 and continues with ongoing studies with the goal of answering important questions about how agricultural lifestyle and genetic factors affect the risk of cancer among farmers and commercial applicators. The study is a collaborative effort involving investigators from National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Health and Safety
The Agricultural Health Study (AHS) - Non-cancer Health Risks is a prospective study of health effects (e.g. diabetes, asthma, kidney and hear disease etc.) in a cohort of 89,000 licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses from Iowa and North Carolina. The AHS began in 1993 and continues with ongoing studies with the goal of answering important questions about how agricultural lifestyle and genetic factors affect the health of farmers and commercial applicators. The study is a collaborative effort involving investigators from National Cancer Institute, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.